+--------+ MESHES +--------+necroscop - Type6 = Female body shape, base for many armor conversions, and inspirationnessa - TypeN = Base for many armor conversionsexeter - Type3 = Base for many armor conversionsIzumiko - Type6m = Base for enclavescientist, stealthsuits, lingerie, mark2leather, cass, dlc05spacesuit, and powerarmor conversionsnuska - headfemale_hispanic.nifthrottlekitty - eyelashes+----------+ TEXTURES +----------+nuska - headhuman_n.dds basewileecoyote1969 - Dirty Textures PSD: Thanks for this must have resource!!!Xazomn - upperbodyfemale_n.dds base, MD Nurse = Lobotomite base, MD Make Up Creator = Makeup for RaidersDracomies - New Vegas Redesigned 2 Textures & Pluginsthecaptainhere - face texture base for extra racesBlame666 - TribalFlower Tattoo = playable raider baseexeter - Gecko-backed metal texture basezzjay - eyelash textureskuzja80 - AI upscaled 1950stylesuit texture+-------+ TOOLS +-------+Gerra6 - KGToolsBlender FoundationGIMPFNVedit
PIP: Mormons, who have the highest birth rates in the US, have unique childbearing attitudes and practices that should be understood by the health care practitioners who work with this population. There are several million members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the US, and 70% of the population of Utah is Mormon. Family life is the basic unit of the religion, with women expected to serve as childbearers while men preside over the family and provide for the physical and spiritual needs of the children. Both premarital sex and adultery are prohibited, and marriage below the age of 18 years is rare. In keeping with the Mormon belief that heaven is full of millions of spirits awaiting an earthly body, birth control and abortion are also forbidden. Since the female body is regarded as the tabernacle of the spirit and the residence of God's spirit children, a high priority is given to prenatal care. Most Mormons adhere to the hegemonic model in the US physician visits in the prenatal period and delivery in a hospital. In the postpartum period, Mormon women are relieved of routine household and child care duties by extended family and church ward members. Breastfeeding is encouraged for both its health and bonding advantages. From a young age, Mormon children are given responsibilities such as household duties and the tending of younger siblings. Mothers play a key role in their children's religious education, and parents who do not rear their children strictly according to Mormon gospel are condemned. Since most deliveries of Mormon infants occur in hospitals, neonatal nurses should be mindful of the patriarchal structure of the family, expect parents to process medical information in spiritual terms, grant requests for priesthood blessings, requests for priesthood blessings and not advocate contraceptive usage.
Fallout New Vegas Female Body Modsl
Body modification occurs across the globe today in various forms and for many reasons (Barker & Barker, 2002, p. 92). Examples of body modifications from around the world include nose piercing associated with Hinduism, neck elongation in Thailand and Africa, henna tattooing in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, tooth filing in Bali, lip piercing and earlobe stretching in Africa, and female and male circumcision in many areas of the world (Larkin 2004; Barker & Barker 2002; Bendle 2004).
The CBBE body mod is extremely popular both in Skyrim, and Fallout 4. It drastically overhauls the female body model with more realism, accentuated curves, and highly detailed body parts, such as feet. Put side by side with the default body model, the differences are quite shocking.
Not only is CBBE an attractive body mod for female characters, but it's also a vital requirement for many armor and clothing mods that expand the arsenal and wardrobe of the game. Those who like to experiment with different outfits will want to make sure this body is installed beforehand.
Francesca Woodman is often associated with Cindy Sherman and also with the conceptual artist Barbara Kruger. Her works also stand for the feminist discourse of the 1970s and 1980s. Francesca Woodman was a photographic artist who shaped her very own style. In her self-portraits, it seems, she reclaims her own body and her right to her own female eroticism. Francesca Woodman had a short life. She committed suicide when she was only 22 years old. Until then she is said to have been restless, working day and night, arranging herself and other female bodies.
Studies examining reproductive costs for females have shown that decreases in locomotor performance and alterations in defensive strategies may occur as a result of increasing body mass during gestation [1,6,14]. Reproductive costs that result in decreased locomotor ability in gravid females may also hinder movements as they pertain to foraging and prey capture. Numerous reports have investigated the influence of resource availability on the reproductive investments made by females (i.e. reproductive frequency, offspring number, and offspring size; [15-18]), but few studies have addressed the potential antagonistic effects of reproduction (i.e. gestation and maternal care) on the foraging and feeding behaviors of females. Herein we investigated how reproductive status may influence trophic resource acquisition in female Arizona Bark Scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus, Ewing 1928 [=Centruroides exilicauda, Wood 1863 of some authors]), a species that inhabits rocky hillsides, outcrops, and riparian habitats in southwestern North America [19]. Centruroides sculpturatus feed on a variety of invertebrates (e.g. spiders, cockroaches, centipedes [20]), and once prey is captured with the chelae (pincers), C. sculpturatus envenomate it via the aculeus (stinger) on the end of the metasoma (tail). Occasionally, small or non-struggling prey items are subdued and consumed without envenomation [19]. Female C. sculpturatus are viviparous [21], and following parturition exhibit maternal care by carrying offspring on their backs. Offspring later disperse following their first cycles of ecdysis (molting).
We began each feeding trial by introducing a Common House Cricket approximately one-third of the body mass of the scorpion on the opposite end of the container where the scorpion was housed. Scorpions are nocturnal predators, and therefore we conducted all feeding trials under low light conditions, and filmed them using a Sony DCR VX2100 Digital Video Camera Recorder. We measured prey capture time from the time of prey recognition (i.e. alert stance, orientation towards prey, grasp attempt, cheliceral activity [25]) until prey ingestion began. To assess potential changes in predatory efficiency during the later stages of a reproductive bout, we measured anew the prey capture time of females exhibiting maternal care at 24 hours and 28 days following offspring removal (FOR). Each trial lasted a maximum of 900 seconds. Logistical reasons often suggest that a particular trial or study ends at a prespecified time point (cut-off time). The time to the event of interest is known precisely for those subjects that present the desired event before that time point. For the remaining subjects, the time to the event of interest is greater than the observation time, or the event never occurs. This is referred to as administrative censoring, and the incomplete data are called right-censored [26]. Accordingly, prey capture time for females that failed to capture prey within the 900-second trial period was right-censored [27].
We compared the time taken to capture prey among five reproductive classes (non-gravid, gravid, females exhibiting maternal care, and females 24 hours and 28 days FOR) using the non-parametric Kaplan-Meier Failure Time Analysis. This method allowed us to examine the probability of prey capture over time, while accounting for the right-censored data in the study. To avoid pseudoreplication, we only compared prey-handling times among independent groups: (i) non-gravid, gravid, and females exhibiting maternal care; (ii) non-gravid, gravid, and females 24 hours FOR; and (iii) non-gravid, gravid, and females 28 days FOR. We performed pairwise comparisons of prey capture time among reproductive groups using the Mantel-Cox Test (Log Rank Test). We used a Cox-Proportional Hazards Model to examine the potential influence of body size (carapace length width, mm2) and chela size (length width, mm2) on prey capture time of females in each reproductive group. This analysis enabled us to examine the potential effect of covariates on the hazard rates of prey capture among females. In the context of this study, hazard rate refers to the rate at which individuals successfully captured prey at time t[28]. Prey capture time was right-censored for females that failed to capture prey within the 900-second trial period, and thus we excluded these individuals from the Kaplan-Meier Failure Time Analysis and the Cox-Proportional Hazards Analysis.
The effect of reproductive status and body size on prey capture time among non-gravid and gravid female Centruroides sculpturatus, and females 28 days following offspring removal
The inability of brooding females and females 24 hours FOR to capture prey suggests that physiological costs associated with maternal care are responsible for the decrease in the predatory efficiency of these scorpions. Alternatively, the failure of brooding females and females 24 hours FOR to catch prey could result from a decrease in the motivation to feed during and subsequent to the brooding period. In 10 separate prey-handling trials, post-parturient females exhibiting maternal care did not attempt to capture prey. (As previously stated, these trials were excluded from the statistical analyses of prey capture frequency and time to prey capture.) Reproductive females may experience seasonal anorexia, a period during which females do not feed, despite the fact that prey is available in their habitats [31,32]. Although seasonal anorexia may lead to poor body condition in females subsequent to the reproductive season, this behavior may allow females to compensate for reduced predatory performance by conserving the energy that would be invested in unsuccessful foraging. A reduction in the foraging behavior of female C. sculpturatus exhibiting maternal care may also be caused by a behavioral shift in which females refrain from feeding to decrease the chances of offspring injury or mortality resulting from retaliatory behavior of prey. Further, lessened foraging behavior may improve the chances of offspring survival by reducing the probability of filial cannibalism, when females consume their young to replenish energy invested in reproduction [33,34]. Nevertheless, an earlier study showed that filial cannibalism by brooding female scorpions is a rare occurrence [24], and indeed we did not observe this behavior in our study. Still, the hypotheses that post-parturient females conserve energetic resources and display behaviors that may decrease the occurrence of filial cannibalism by exhibiting seasonal anorexia are not mutually exclusive, as both outcomes may increase the survival and reproductive fitness of female C. sculpturatus in nature. 2ff7e9595c